Project management philosophy @EOL



List of Open Points – LOP 4.0

For greater transparency in project management. From problem to solution.

  • · Several parties are involved in the project with many interfaces, trades and people that have to be coordinated.
  • · Everyone uses their own list to record the open points (on paper or file).
  • · Communication is often slow; frequently via several persons.
  • · There is no ad hoc overview of the status of all open points.
  • Problem

  • · All parties have the same picture of the project progress.
  • · Open points are recorded immediately, directly in a simple and structured manner
  • · Access is guaranteed at all times.
  • · Problem-solving process becomes much easier.
  • Solution


For detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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LEAN @EOL for absolute delivery reliability

1. Customer request: shortest possible delivery times and adherence to schedule. More efficient production.

2. Planning, production and engineering: Every machine is in flow and our production takes place with stable lead times.

3. Sales: planning reliability for everyone involved. No postponement of delivery dates and absolute delivery reliability.

lean eol


For detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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