Case Packers from Standard-Knapp

Packaging Technology from the USA

Standard-Knapp offers a comprehensive line of case packers, bottle packers and drop packers to meet all your case packing, product handling and budget needs. Our color-coded change parts allow for fast, efficient changeovers. Our SOFT-CATCH™ product placement system prevents product damage. Rugged stainless steel construction ensures reliable 24/7 operation.


The industry standard for reliable operation, quick changeover and versatile product range

  • 1. Adjustable head adapts to multiple product sizes
  • 2. Robust 2-axis servo-controlled delta robot provides optimum control of the entire pack of product
  • 3. User-friendly HMI touchscreen control panel
  • 4. Simple, color-coded, by-the-numbers changeover
  • 5. Easy-access lubrication and inspection points make maintenance a breeze
eol sk 939s pic n place kartonverpackungsmaschine


The gentle case packer with Soft Catch technology

  • 1. Product infeed shown here with optional zero-gap bottle laner
  • 2. By-the-numbers product changeover system
  • 3. Fully-interlocked Lexan guard doors
  • 4. Swivel-mounted HMI operator interface
  • 5. Soft catch servo-actuated lift table
  • 6. Optional flap opener for reshipper cases
eol sk 939s versatron tm sammelpacker

Standard-Knapp machine portfolio